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Affiliate Programs - What is It & How Can Bloggers Make Money From it?

Today I'm going to try to share a little bit of what I know and understand on Affiliate Programs and how bloggers like ourselves can benefit and actually make some money (if not millions like some blogging gurus claim) by joining these affiliate programs.

First of, what in the world is this Affiliate Program that we keep hearing about? Well, to put it simply, Affiliate Program is:
  • a program that lets you sell other people's or company's products and services. In return, you will be paid a commission on every successful sale that you help generate.
  • the commission to an affiliate could range from as small as 1% to as big as 95%.

As an affiliate, you will be given what is called an "affiliate link" by the person/company you are helping to promote. This "affiliate link" is the special URL unique to you that will help track your sales with the company.

Affiliate programs usually have what they call a tier or level. Besides earning from sales you help generate, you can also profit from sales that another affiliate who signed up through your affiliate link generate. So you see now why this Affiliate Program is such a HOT thing in the internet money making race.

Now, How can us bloggers benefit from this phenomenon that is Affiliate Program? First you have to have a blog. Since you're reading this, I assume that you have one already. But if you don't, there are a lot of blog sites that you can actually join for FREE. I'll list a few here:

Once you have a blog, start your postings. The very most important thing that you need to know when you start a blog with making money in mind is: DO WHAT YOU LOVE. If you're into soccer, start a blog on soccer with articles, and news and updates. If you can't live without your iPod, do a blog about the wonderful world of iPods. If you drink, eat, sleep and live golf, post articles and news and updates on that most wonderful game ever invented by men. You get the idea? Once again, DO WHAT YOU LOVE.

Now on to the money making part of it. Join an affiliate program. Where can I find such program I hear you ask. Just do a Google search on "Affiliate Program". I'm sure you'll find more than enough Affiliate Programs to last all of us 10 lifetimes. I will however list just a few here to get us started in the right direction:

You'll find out that once you've signed up with any affiliate programs, they will give you the affiliate link that's unique to just you and you alone. Now you can start promoting whatever products or services as an affiliate on your blog and whenever anybody from anywhere in the world clicks on your link & buys the products/services, you will get the commission. Since the internet and your blog is online 24 hours a day all year round, you will even make money IN YOUR SLEEP!! Now isn't that just wonderful??

I think it's enough that I talk about this for now. Should you need any more information on affiliate programs, you can just Google it!! hihihi.. That's what I do every time I need information on anything. I don't know how I can survive without Google nowadays.

Now, let's start making money from Affiliate Program.

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