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Making Money Online - thru affiliate program

Hello people,

Now here's an article that I found that's interesting as well as informative. This was written by Charles Gillig http://easymoneyprofitsonline.com. I think he explains another way of how affiliate program works really well.

Have you ever wondered how so many people are making tons of money online these days? Well I’m about to show you and it’s actually quite easy. The easiest and fastest way to make money online is by using affiliate programs.

Let me tell you how affiliate programs work. First, you sign up for one of these affiliate programs. Then, your main job is to get other people to sign up for that same program using a special link just for you. When you get people to sign up, you earn a large commission of what they paid.

Now, to get people to sign up, you need to promote your link. There are literally hundreds of ways to do this, including free ways and ways that cost money. Many people are not comfortable spending money to advertise their link. For that reason I am just going to focus on three FREE ways to promote your link.
  1. Number one, tell friends and family about how good this program is and that it will earn them tons of money. Be convincing and speak powerful words. Give them your site URL and hope that they will look into it.
  2. Number two, post in forums often and tell people there about this great program to earn cash.
  3. Number three, write articles and submit them to article directories. When you write an article, there is a box at the bottom to include your link and this will bring a lot people to your site to sign up for the affiliate program. Like I said, there are hundreds of ways to promote your site, these are just three basic ways.

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