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How to Market Ebook

Here's an article that I find interesting by Leslie Williams.

Whether you’re just formulating an idea for an ebook or whether you have your ebook finished and ready for launch, how you market your product is critical to its success.

After writing my own ebook, I knew that simply having a website to promote my new product would not cut it. However, I have to be honest. It was with great fear and trepidation that I dove into the marketing online “minefield.”

Why “minefield”?

Well, before my ebook was finished, I had done quite a bit of research into the many marketing options open to me and it was quite overwhelming to say the least. Many of the products I investigated sounded great but either the learning curve seemed too steep or the price of the product was too high. At first I felt defeated but I kept searching for a method to market my ebook that would not “break the bank.”

Anyway, here are a couple of ideas for marketing your ebook once you have your website up and running.

1. Submit your website to the major search engines (Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc.) You can submit your website yourself without the aid of a submission service.

2. Write an article that is relevant to your ebook and submit it to one of the top article directories (such as the one this article is featured in). If you’re intimidated by having to write an article, please understand that the article itself only has to be 250-300 words in length.

Also, please remember to include your web address in the resource box of your article so that prospective buyers can contact you.

These are just two of the little or no-cost methods I’ve personally used to successfully drive traffic to my website in order to market my ebook. For more information concerning my favorite marketing products of all time, check out my blog for my personal reviews.

Leslie R. Williams is a publisher, writer and avid online marketer. Please visit http://how-2-make-money-marketing-online-now.blogspot.com for further “how to market ebook” information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Leslie_Williams

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