Make Money on eBay - Sell those Auction Listings 1st Time, Every Time!
If you noticed, I've been posting articles instead of writing lately. Reason being that I've been a bit busy. Anyway, here's another reading that I find good.
One of the most frustrating things that can happen to an eBay seller is to list multiple products, then to wait for 7-days, only to find that there were no bids for the items. To make money on eBay requires that virtually every item listed becomes an item sold. Not only are there the selling expenses, but there is also no income from sales! Whenever the percentage of products sold-to-listed begins to dip, begin by examining the product that is being sold. Often it comes down to a new product that is simply not in-demand.
- Auction Start Price: That old statement that starting auctions at very low prices results in more sales has proven true for us. (CAUTION: Sometimes we have ended up selling items that costed us $25. for the $0.99 start price. Know your costs and the amount that you must receive before setting starting prices.) While there have been some cases where we lost money, overall, we make more by starting our auctions at lower prices. Give it a try.
- Fixed Price: The same holds true with fixed prices. While there are cases where you simply must place a certain fixed price on an item, as a seller, the goal is to be able to sell at prices that meet the wishes of your buyers.
- Store Price: If you have a store and place items in that store that are priced too high, you will not make sales.
Make money on eBay by going back to the basics. If a product did not sell, go back to the basics of listing. This includes:
- Title: You are allotted 55 characters for your auction title. Be sure that you use all 55! Title selection is critical to insuring that the maximum number of potential buyers view your auction. Be sure to include the obvious information such as Brand Name, Size (If possible and appropriate), What it is, Condition (New, New In Box, New In Packaging, No Tags) unless it is used, and Color.
- Body of the Listing: The body of the listing should include everything listed in the title. Be sure to including the condition of the item. Add information that helps the buyer understand the details. A great source of information is often the packaging and tags. If the product has a high suggested retail value, include that information as well. (Make sure that you are accurate in the suggested retail price that you state.) Flaws and imperfections, no matter how small, should be noted.
- Errors: Make sure that your spelling is correct. Space the wording to make it easier for the potential buyer to read your listing. Set the margins so that the final listing looks appealing. Include key words that may draw shoppers to your auction.
- Picture Quality: You know the saying; a picture is worth a thousand words. A bad picture won't make sales. If it is name brand, we always try to include a picture of the tag to verify that it is genuine. Many times buyers will overlook that detail in the written description, but they see it in the picture.
- Feedback: Feedback matters! If you have 100% positive feedback, be sure to write that on every auction. Include a few of the feedback comments that you're most proud of right onto each item's description page.
- About Me page: You'll be surprised how much you can reassure bidders just by creating an About Me page. The fact is that a good About Me Page will make auction sales. Follow eBay’s rules carefully.
- Terms and Conditions: Be sure to make the 'small print' visible on all your auctions. Provide details about shipping times and costs. Your refund policy and other key business practices should also be clearly stated. This can help to build buyer confidence. If you ship internationally, state the basic term and conditions for those sales.
- Payment Methods Accepted: We feel that accepting PayPal is a must in the overall formula of achieving the highest possible percentage of successful actions. If you accept other payment methods be sure to include those as well.
Make money on eBay by selling every item the first time that you list that item.
Bob Hamilton is an author, writer, consultant and trainer.